Yoga Teacher Training Program
What Makes Us Different at Dragonfly Yoga Studies
Yoga Teacher Training: 200 RYT and 300 AYTT
Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Studies
Our YTT Program

Dragonfly Yoga Studio in Fort Walton Beach, Florida offers an extensive, comprehensive, and enriching Yoga Teacher Training programs and retreats tailored to both aspiring teachers and serious students of all levels, including 200 RYT and 300-hour Advanced YTT. Whether you seek to deepen your individual practice or learn the art of teaching with integrity and grace, this program and its teachers provide the sacred space, wisdom, and support necessary for you to blossom and grow along your own unique Yogic path.
Get ready to be transformed in Dragonfly Yoga Studies’s Teacher Training Program that has evolved over a 20 year period and certified hundreds of yoga teachers. You will receive the knowledge of teaching an empowering, safe yoga class along with the tools to connect and continue to grow and learn. In our Yoga Teacher Training Program, you will retain your individual style and personal approach to the practice so your unique qualities will not be lost in repetitive language and dogmatic patterns.
In the same way, there is still a mystery as to why yoga postures work to make you feel better. There is a mystery to how a person is transformed when they choose to go deeper in yoga.
You are not required to become a yoga teacher in this program. However, you will connect with others and deeply come to appreciate your life and yourself. You will be immersed in the study, practice and lifestyle of yoga – changing habits, exploring your perceptions and maturing your inner self. There is an unspoken yet divine interaction that occurs within that leads to greater peace and understanding. You will be a new you by the end of this program.
RYT 200 Program - 2025 Dates
Dates: Launches February 22, 2025
Location: Dragonfly Yoga Studio :: 184 Brooks Street se #2 :: Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
2025 DATES: (as of 9.15.24)
Dragonfly Yoga 2025
(Saturdays and Sundays 8am – 5pm)
February 22 – 23
March 15 – 16
April 19 – 20
May 17 – 18
June 21 – 22
July 19 – 20
August 23 – 24
September 20 – 21
October 18 – 19
November 15 – 16 Exam and Graduation
Contact: Please call 850-244-0184, contact us online or send us a private message on Facebook
Primary Trainer: Laura Tyree
Yoga Instructor Certification Cost:
DEPOSIT: $300 non-refundable deposit is due with your application, regardless of payment choice.
EARLY BIRD RATE: $2900 by January 22 nd, 2025 (Total cost includes deposit)
AFTER THE BIRD: $3000 after January 22 nd, 2025 (Total cost includes deposit)
INSTALLMENTS: $3200 (Total cost includes deposit) see below for installment details
Installment Plan
DEPOSIT: $300 non-refundable deposit is due with your application
Remaining tuition paid in 3 installments. No penalty for early payment.
Installment schedule is on an eight-week rotation.
Installment will be auto debited from our cc system. This set up must be completed by January15, 2025
Installment one $975 Due Launch Day (start date)
Installment two $975 Due 8 weeks after start date
Installment three $950 Due 16 weeks after start date
Info dialogue: By appointment. Plan to participate in yoga classes with Laura at the Dragonfly Yoga Studio in Fort Walton Beach as part of your entrance evaluation process.
300-Hour Advanced YTT Program
NEW Date / Times: Launches
Meets one weekend per month; 18.5 hours per weekend
Saturdays from 7:30 am – 5 pm
Sundays from 7:30 am – 5 pm
Location: Dragonfly Yoga Studio :: 184 Brooks Street se #2 :: Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
Contact: Please call 850-428-9264
300 Hour Advanced Yoga Instructor Certification Cost:
Early Bird:
After July 1st:
To reserve your space, submit your application along with your non-refundable deposit.
**Payment plans available.**
Info dialogue: By appointment. Call Laura Tyree 850.642.1015 Plan to participate in yoga classes with Laura at the Dragonfly Yoga Studio in Fort Walton Beach as part of your entrance evaluation process.
Learn More About the Program
Throughout the year, each student expands his or her Yogic knowledge through intensive personal study, hands-on experience, and practical application. The curriculum was developed to explore Yoga’s vast richness, including: applied anatomy and physiology as related to asana study and teaching methodology, philosophy, lifestyle, ethics, and principles of becoming and living as a Yoga teacher and lifelong student.
Dedicated participation in this teacher training program establishes a solid Yoga foundation which allows students to identify their innate teaching awareness and abilities. Our teachers guide and nourish each student to discover their inner wisdom, develop their own teaching style, and blossom into a teacher as unique as a fingerprint.
Just as a precious metal is refined through heat and filtering, this training program transforms student into teacher through inspection and clarification. Expect change and growth! Dragonfly Yoga Studio and its dedicated teachers are excited to be part of your unique Yogic journey.
Upon graduation, you will qualify for the Yoga Alliance YA200 registration.
What Makes This Program Different
The depth of the Yoga Teacher Training Program at Dragonfly Yoga Studio is unparalleled – expect change and growth. Led by primary trainer and owner Laura Tyree, Dragonfly Yoga offers extensive, comprehensive and enriching Yoga certification and training programs tailored to both aspiring teachers and serious students of all levels.
A yoga teacher training program at Dragonfly Yoga Studio changes your life. You wake up to the power you have to go into the laboratory of your life experience and mix the potions you want to create your best life going forward!
Here are three reasons:
1. Transformation happens faster: Something extraordinary happens while in a yoga teacher training program that breaks the bonds of ordinary awareness and expands the consciousness of each individual to a level that would otherwise would have taken years of ordinary living to attain. This acceleration of evolution is mystical, meaning that the explanation of the change is beyond logic and reason.
The term from quantum physics,“quantum leap”, comes to mind. A quantum leap means: a phenomena where an electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom changes its position without having traversed the space between its old and new orbit and without taking any time to do so. As scientifically verifiable as this phenomena is, it is also on the order of a miracle, for science has no explanation how this effect happens. This experience of waking up to the power of your own transformation fires you up to change the world.
As Sri Swami Satchidananda says, “Yoga believes in transforming the individual before transforming the world.” Whatever change we want to happen outside should happen within. If you walk in peace and express that peace in your very life, others will see you and learn something.” In a teacher training tribe you are learning at a faster rate exponentially. You feed off of one another’s passion and it makes everyone burn brighter. You are constantly being built up to reach higher into your best potentiality.
2. Self reflection leads to self expression: Self study, known as svadhyaya, is really the heart of yoga. A 200‐hour yoga training program (RYT 200) offers you a unique opportunity to make a deep commitment to learning more about yourself. The entire yoga training community provides you honest, loving support from day one with complete inclusivity. Training programs are a safe haven: a nurturing sanctuary to engage in open‐minded self‐exploration. Teacher trainings are devoted to offering you an atmosphere in which freedom of self-expression, creativity, and passion for life are totally encouraged!
In the eight‐limbed path of yoga, in order to effectively teach using your most authentic voice you can only teach what you know about yourself. Being a dedicated student of yoga for your own self study will help you learn better ways to take care of yourself. And once you know how to self-comfort you are able to express who you are into the world in a dynamic yet unpretentious way.
3. Break old habits: By taking a break from your daily life, unplugging from the pulls and pushes of technology and engaging in healthy activity (tapas) and conversation (self-study), while in the container of a yoga teacher training program, you are in an excellent environment to release unwanted habits. Some of these habits include detoxing the physical body through a lot of moving and breathing. You’ll do a lot of yoga poses! The letting go of mental bonds and ego provides an emotional transformation of surrender.
When we surrender and feel safe then healing begins. Once relaxed we can see our old emotional paradigms emerge and the unhealthy mental habits which have formed as samskaras. From there the Spiritual Alchemy resets the internal dialogue to one of trusting the forward flow of grace.
Also there is something very powerful about surrounding yourself with people who don’t know the encyclopedia of your past. They see you as you really are and your potential for greatness. This helps to reinforce your willingness to change for the better.
Even upon finishing a yoga teacher training program at Dragonfly Yoga, life long friendships are formed with like minded people who will support your growth and your new lifestyle choices. They will continue to support your spiritual maturity to show up fully and let go completely.
Three Things about The Yoga Teacher Training Program
Three Things about The Yoga Teacher Training Program By Silvia Mordini
Something magical and mystical happens when a group of high-intentioned individuals make the decision to gather together for 200 hour yoga teacher training with the purpose of uplifting their lives & expanding their consciousness into radical authenticity.
The result is something beyond words. It is, as best as I can explain it, the Alchemy of Yoga at its best. Chapter 2 verse 1 of the Yoga Sutras sets forth how the Alchemy of Yoga actually works. “Tapas svadhyaya ishvara pranidhana kriya yoga.” Translated to mean that yoga helps us transform ourselves on three levels:
1. Physical Alchemy—Tapas: helps us ignite the changes we want to make in our lives. It is about the getting fired up and passionate. Literally it means heating the body through moving and breathing.
2. Mental Alchemy—Svadhyaya: while we are following the discipline of tapas and engaging in physical practice to help move our stuck energy we are watching ourselves. In yoga we study the self to learn about the self. Here the mental alchemy is through self-observation. We witness what is going on in our thoughts, what are we thinking.
3. Spiritual Alchemy—ishvara pranidahana: as we are doing and watching we let go of the ego of judgment. We move beyond wanting life to be different and begin to feel the surrender that allows what is being offered to mix together. We practice ishvara pranidhana as we trust the universal intelligence that hugs us from all directions to know what it’s doing. And once we find this trust we begin to believe that beauty and goodness are within us flowing nonstop, and there is no reason to stop this flow for its natural current is to align with the current of grace that is everywhere outside of us. Beauty becomes our way of life. Happiness becomes our natural alchemy.
You see, when you get together in a teacher training tribe we are all like the Alchemist in his/her laboratory mixing ingredients. For us as yogis our laboratory is our mat and the ingredients are our bodies, our poses, our breath, our thoughts—and mixing it all together creates a different result every time.
200-hr YTT Class Descriptions
Foundations of Practice
When teaching rises from experience of the practice, it holds a great level of integrity. Deepening your personal asana, pranayama, and meditation practice will provide the richest source of inspiration. When you discover the mechanics of your unique needs within the asana practice, it will lead you to understand the needs of your future students. Additional yoga teacher training in functional anatomy, energetic body study, and understanding the ego and its purpose will provide the balancing factors for well-rounded learning.
- Intensive asana study
- Energetic body systems
- Your personal Anatomy and Physiology
- Pranayama groundwork
- Meditation
Philosophy of Yoga
Dragonfly Yoga’s Teacher Training Program lineage stems from the teachings of Patanjali. Along with the asana and pranayama, we will study the Eight Limb path on a daily bases, most specifically the Yamas and Niyamas. These ‘codes for living’ help you refine your relationship with yourself, and your relationship with the world. Further study of the Yoga Sutras will expose you to an unending world of investigation into the deepest Truths of Yoga.
Foundations of Teaching
Teaching is the integration of intuition, knowledge, skill, and compassion. To inspire another is a great gift, and this inspiration must be founded on personal integrity and clear intention. Developing these attributes requires trust from both aspiring teacher and acting advisor. This journey includes the following.
- Attitude and action
- Asana Fundamentals
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Seeing the body
- Demonstrating
- Physical and vocal adjustments
- Designing a class
- Practice teaching
- The business of yoga
- Specialty yoga
- Karma yoga
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“Lovely space, great vibes and teachers. But mostly one of the best options for 200 YTT and 500 YTT with Laura Tyree, she will take you in a deep level of self discovery and knowledge.”
“In life I have found it is all about how people make you feel, as the late Maya Angelo stated. The instructors at Dragonfly Yoga Studio have helped me stay grounded but at the same time fly higher in life.”